Each year, all colleagues and volunteers are invited to take part in a survey, allowing us to gauge job satisfaction and engagement across the Group. In 2023, 915 people (68%) completed the survey – the second highest response rate ever.

Participants are given a series of statements with the following options: ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘unsure’, ‘disagree’ or ‘strongly disagree’. Responses are gauged using a ‘net agreement score’ which is the proportion of positive responses (strongly agree + agree), minus the proportion of negative responses (disagree + strongly disagree). Results, therefore, can range from -100% to +100%.

In 2023, we reduced the number of questions to make it more focused and easier to complete. Several high-scoring measures were replaced or merged, and we now have seven key questions around engagement and satisfaction, and aim for scores exceeding 80% for all of these measures. 

All survey results are communicated to every team, and both scores and comments are used to develop long term plans for the organisation.

Job satisfaction

The section relating to job satisfaction showed a number of very encouraging results, showing year-on-year improvement. 

  • I enjoy working with members of my team (+95%)
  • I am proud to work for the Devonshire Family (+91%)
  • In general I am happy at work (+89%)
  • Overall I am satisfied with my current job (+89%)
  • I would recommend the Devonshire Group to prospective employees (+86%) 
  • The organisation supports my work life balance (+83%)

While these results are no doubt reassuring, in the Devonshire Group we strive to improve in everything we do and hope to improve scores in all areas.


In 2023, as in previous years, a number of statements relating to staff and volunteer engagement scored exceptionally highly. The following statements received net agreement scores of over +80%:

  • I am happy to go the extra mile to provide “extraordinary” customer service (+96%)
  • I am happy to go the extra mile to help internal relationships (+95%)
  • I feel able to make decisions when dealing with customer / visitor issues / colleagues (+87%)
  • I feel encouraged to be my best (+83%) 

Two of the statements on engagement showed room for improvement in 2023:

  • I feel valued for the work that I do (+77%)
  • My suggestions for improvement are taken seriously by my manager (+71%) 

The proportion of staff and volunteers in the Devonshire Group who are actively engaged at work is high compared with national averages. Research in Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report suggests that only 11% of employees in the UK are engaged at work, with the majority of employees (68%) not engaged2.

Both the delivery of exceptional customer service and the dedication to fostering strong relationships with colleagues align well with the Group’s core values: ‘Always improving’, ‘Decency’ and ‘Being inclusive’. High engagement within the Devonshire Group is something to be celebrated and encouraged further.

2 Gallup, State of the Global Workplace 2017

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